Sunday, May 1, 2011

Surprising Census Data in Mexico

There were a few interesting finds in Mexico's recent census data. To begin, the typical household has transformed over the last 10 years. A decade ago one in ten homes had a bare-earth floor and 20 years ago one in ten homes went without electricity. Today only 6% have bare-earth floors and nearly all homes have electricity. What the people put in their homes is probably the most interesting data in the census. Currently, more homes have televisions then they do refrigerators or showers. Also, despite unbelievably high rates almost two-thirds of the population owns a mobile phone. The last interesting point to note is that since the year 2000 the number of people able to speak Spanish has fallen. They attribute this to an increase in education and a rebirth of a number of indigenous languages.

There has been no discussion of how these changes have come about in the last ten years because the data was just released. So, until structured thoughts come out about the topic it is up to us to draw our own conclusions.

-Tommy Walker

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