Sunday, November 8, 2015

Burma Votes in first democratic election in years

Burma had its first democratic election in 25 years, not only did they have this election, but the newly elected leader is a female named Aung San Suu Kyi. She had won before in 1990, but since the country was still under a dictatorship, the military ignored the decision. The people who came out to vote were all very excited for this new change to come and to finally be out from under oppression. Legally she is not allowed to be the president because that was the law when it was still a military run country, but she strongly believes that she will have the majority of her party elected into office as well and that will allow her to become the new leader. This is important because Burma has been isolated from the world and can now be more open with the rest of the world. They can have economic gains from this and be able to interact more strongly with other nations. It is great that Burma does now have a female leader, I think that it will really turn the country around and it can become more successful. This country has over 90 parties within the political system, which can make for some tough elections because it can be hard for the leader to get their name known. Its so exciting to see that this country is making progress in their political system by having a democratic election, hopefully the majority will get voted in and San Suu can hold her spot.

Yay for democracy!
Samantha Koldenhoven

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