Sunday, November 1, 2015

Speaking of Thailand... Obviously when the article for Monday was written the minimum wage was different but as of 2013 the minimum wage through out Thailand was $9 a day, not that people respected that per say but still. This meant that in low income provinces people's pay shot up much to the displeasure of big companies. They provided sufficient pressure onto the Thai government to subvert the work of local labor activist and undermine the Thai government in its quest to protect its citizens from crushing poverty and exploitation. We are a country of consumers with great power over these companies. We could and do make demands of producers regularly with great success but we only do it for our own benefit. We could send letters to our Ambassador in Thailand or our representatives but we won't because at the end of the day we can talk about economic growth all we want but the reality is we don't care about economic growth or the people that are exploited, All we care bout it having a cheap new sweater in every color of the rainbow.
Joceline Hernandez

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