Sunday, November 1, 2015

Netanyahu backtracks on controversial comments

Last week Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made some very controversial comments regarding the Holocaust. He made comments that pointed out that many Palestinians, mainly Haj Amin al-Husseini, had persuaded Adolf Hitler to eliminate the Jews. Al-Husseini was the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem at the time which means he was one of the highest ranking Muslims in Palestine at the time. While it is true that the Mufti did share the same views as the Nazis, the is very little historical evidence that he was the originator of the idea of the Final Solution. Prime Minister Netanyahu immediately received criticism for his comments. Many found them to be inflammatory at a time when tensions between Israel and Palestine are at a recent high. On Friday the Prime Minister retracted his comments on a Facebook post. He said that his comments were exaggerated and his intent was to only highlight the fact that anti-Semitic views are widespread. This is not the first time that Netanyahu has made errant comments and been forced to retract them. Only time will tell us if these comments will make recent tensions even worse.

Tyler Allen
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