Sunday, October 16, 2016

Obama, Cementing New Ties With Cuba, Lifts Limits on Cigars and Rum

On Friday President Obama set forth a new policy to “lift the Cold War trade embargo and end a half-century of clandestine plotting against Cuba’s government” (New York Times). This opens the ties with Cuba even more. Obama was the first president to reconcile the differences between Cuba and the US since the Cold War. President Obama also lifted a $100 limit on being able to bring Cuban rum and cigars into the US. I am sure that some are very thrilled about this lifted restriction. This set of policy is on the track to reshape the way Americans travel to and do business with Cuba. New milestones have been reached with Cuba as a result of the Obama administration. Within the last month, he has nominated the first United States ambassador to Cuba in more than 50 years, and has help to reopen embassies in Washington and Havana. 

-Lauren Whelan

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