Saturday, November 5, 2022

Current emissions pledges will lead to catastrophic climate breakdown, says UN

 The United Nations has announced that nations need to set new climate goals in order to limit temperature rises. Greenhouse gas emissions will lead to a 2.5 C in global heating which would be catastrophic for global climate. Only a handful of countries have agreed to strengthen their commitments to setting and obtaining new goals. Glasgow updated their goals, and saw little improvement, so they agreed to strengthen their goals and efforts in the next year. However, they are one of the few countries to actually update their targets. More countries need to get onboard, however, in order to avoid temperatures rising to 1.5 C "above pre-industrial levels." The UN calculated on Wednesday that the new plans submitted by governments would lead to a 2.1 to 2.9 C rise in temperature, which would be a "marginal improvement". The International Panel on Climate Change has estimated that greenhouse gases need to fall by 45% by 2030 to give the world a chance of staying within the 1.5 C margin. 

By: Sarah Hein

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