Saturday, November 5, 2022

The Taliban wants to segregate women. So, it's training female doctors.

   Following the takeover of Afghanistan by the Taliban just last year many female doctors fled their practice. This presumably stretched the staff thin making it difficult for the hospitals and care clinics to serve their purpose. It has just surfaced that along with the Taliban's conservative motivations they also support the idea that women's healthcare should be in the hands of other women. This further means the Taliban supports women's education, health, and employment. Along with the surprising idea that the Taliban supports women in healthcare, they also hold the belief that men should treat men. This then brings up the typical moral compass of the Taliban that has destroyed communities, families, and nations in the past.

   Hidden behind this mask of "support for women" is the gender segregation ideals that the Taliban is attempting to enforce. All of the healthcare support and admittance given by the Taliban to women in oppressed nations sounds like a step forward but instead, it is an insurmountably large stride back. Not only is gender segregation hidden behind these efforts, but the difficulties women face when attempting to receive healthcare are oppressed now more than ever. It has been reported by UNICEF that in many health clinics women are not to receive treatment without the presence of a male "guardian". 

  While Afghanistan faces this dark age of gender oppression and segregation the United States seems to have turned a blind eye. While yes, the U.S. has faced gender controversy in the past and present we must not forget our counterparts existing under the control of the Taliban. This outrageous move of oppression masked as progression is an insult to women all over the world. Feminism is not nationwide, instead, it is worldwide, further meaning all nations privileged enough to exercise their free will and free speech must stand up for these women and support them so one day they can become doctors for not only women but all genders alike.


Taliban training Afghan women as doctors to segregate medical care - The Washington Post

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