Sunday, November 20, 2022

Worlds Longest Presidency

 President of Equatorial Guinea, Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, is looking to be re-elected yet again. He has had a 43-year reign, making him the record holder for the president with the most years in office. As of now, it looks like he will win, despite the many other candidates trying to run. Due to his extraordinarily long time in power, Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo has been able to set many of his family members up in high government positions. Many of these family members live lavishly, most notably his son, the vice president. Many professionals have been recorded saying that these elections are essentially just formality, and that the people opposing have no chance. Some experts say that political opposition is not tolerated in Equatorial Guinea, and it is estimated that Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo will likely get 95-97 percent of the vote due to this lack of opposition. Others say that the elections are corrupt and ingenuine, so Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo wins such a high percentage of the vote. Whatever is the case, it is likely that we will see Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo elected again in the upcoming election in Equatorial Guinea.

Bradyn Almasy

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