Sunday, November 27, 2022

Protests in China due to COVID Restrictions

 Protests have started to emerge as China continues to enforce its COVID restrictions. Millions of Chinese citizens are still affected by mask-wearing, COVID testing, quarantines, and the lockdowns over the last three years. Citizens are now protesting for these restrictions to be lifted. China's current leader, Xi Jinping, has stated that he will not budge on the restrictions. Due to this, the protesters are calling for Xi Jinping to step down, and for the communist party to step down. The protestors have been seen showing their emotion by breaking down and removing barriers that were used for social distancing. It is not common in a communist state for the citizens to protest and publicly speak out against the president's will. This shows that the protestors feel very strongly about making changes and lightening the COVID restrictions. China had certainly underestimated how negatively the citizens feel about the continued COVID restrictions.

Bradyn Almasy

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