Sunday, September 16, 2012

Czech bans spirits with more than 20% alcohol

The Czech governement has decided to ban the sale of hard alcohol over twenty percent. This is said to be a direct result of a series of alcohol related deaths in the country. The 19 recorded deaths are said to have been from drinking vodka and rum laced with menthanol. Menthanol can cause sickness, blindness, and even death. The Health Minister Leos Heger announced that this new ban will be in place for a forseeable amount of time. The posioned alcohol has been linked with the black market as a way to make cheap alcohol without anyone knowing the difference. The government also stated that at least a majority of the deaths were have said to purchased the alcohol from resturaunts and bars that have ties with the black market dealers. Labs all across the country are working to test alcohol for the posion and police have arrested over 20 people and  seized over 20 people for the illegal alcohol. This poses a big health problem of course for the citizens of the Czech Republic but it also has a economic effect on the whole economy. If the ban lasts for months resturaunt owners and bar owners and the suppliers will all suffer and many might go under. This was totally preventable in fact it was totally unnesassary that so many had to die because of a group of criminals. As a result of this many are dead and many more are hospitalized and the damage is just begining for the Czezh's.|utmccn=(referral)|utmcmd=referral|utmcct=/id/49050796/ns/world_news-mideast_n_africa/&__utmv=14933801.|8=Earned%20By=msnbc%7Cmultimedia%7Cnews%20photos%7Cphotoblog=1^12=Landing%20Content=Original=1^^30=Visit%20Type%20to%20Content=Internal%20to%20Original=1&__utmk=77716116

By: Katelyn Krumreich

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