Sunday, September 23, 2012

Egypt Stands Up To USA

Egypt's newly elected president, Mohamed Morsi, has laid the new ground rules for interactions between Egypt and the United States.  He says that America must be much more careful with the actions it takes in the Middle-East since there are already tense relations with the Islamic people of the region.  Also, they should repair the damages they have already done.  He also stated that the USA should play a stronger role in helping to build a Palestinian state in order to assure the continual following of Egypt's treaty with Israel.  Morsi told the United States that he will not "live by the same rules" as his predecessor and follow everything the United States say.  However, peace between the two nations will remain. In response, the United States stated that Egypt and Morsi should handled the attacks on the U.S. Embassy quicker. Morsi responded by saying he must do with whats best for his people and taking his time to act on the situation would cause less anti-USA back-lash from Egyptians.  Morsi says Egypt and the United States have "a shared objective, each to live free in their own land, according to their customs and values, in a fair and democratic fashion". Morsi hoped to meet with President Obama to smooth over any issues but his request for a meeting was withdrawn when both administrations know the complications of election politics and how it might affect President Obama's chance for re-election.

Here's the link for the article:

Aaron Langer

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