Friday, September 14, 2012

Papal Visit Reinforces Unity Among Christians in Lebanon

A relief among the Christian population in Lebanon has been long overdue. Fear of Islamic enforcement has caused this group of people great distress, and furthermore, has subjected them to hope that they will be able to find some source of relief about their position as Christians in this particular region. Christians in Syria had long been depending on someone to reestablish any sense of hope for peace. The idea was beginning to seem desolate, since the last visit by a pope hadn't taken place since the year of 1997. Today, the hopeful desperation has been put to rest. Pope Benedict arrived in Lebanon during what has been a time of high tension between the Christian and Muslim populations in this region. Although banded by the same religion, Christian political parties have become seperated in Syria. However, the visit of the pope did not cause any outrage or retaliation among the people despite the fault between the Christian political parties. Ultimately, the pope's visit was welcomed by the inhabitants of this region in a warm manner. His message was understood and his enforcement of this message was encouraged. The people of Syria recognized the pope's endeavor to reveal the significance of the Chrisitian religion among them. His intent was to remind the people that the Christian religion is in fact the most powerful unifying force between them. His reassurance was ultimately accepted.

Vallarie Perez

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