Friday, April 25, 2014

-Another post from earlier in the term-

The United States is trying to flex their muscles a bit. All because Russia has recently flexed theirs. It's interesting to watch these two world powers counter each other in an effort to show supremacy in the global arena. I for one don't think it will escalate to Cold War-level hostilities but one could make the argument that it is being pushed in that direction. The U.S. and other NATO members have offered to station troops in Poland and Estonia for "routine exercises." It's funny how often that phrase comes up in conflict. All of this, whether it's a company or two brigades, is a direct response to the aggression showed by Putin's Russia after the annexation of Crimea. Intimidation or precautionary measures? Maybe the U.S. is just coming to the aid of Poland but this power struggle could last a long time knowing these two country's histories.

-Max Kachinske 

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