Sunday, April 27, 2014

South Korean prime minister resigns over ferry disaster response

The Prime Minister of South Korea, Chung Hong-Won has made the decision to resign after the governments slow initial reaction on the fairy sinking a couple weeks ago. He apologized on behalf of the government for their subsequent rescue operation. He admits that the government took inadequate measures and disappointed the public. He says "this is not the time for blaming each other but for finishing the rescue operation and dealing with the accident." He also states "in order to get over these difficult times, I ask the citizens for help." I don't understand why he said that because he wasn't there when the citizens needed help. I think it sounds like he is trying to do a quick fix before he abandons the people. Also, I think resigning is a bit much just for screwing up once. Yes, this is a big issue and a huge deal but he shouldn't turn his back now. Someone says in the article that he wasn't a beloved person but not unpopular. I believe that him resigning is taking away from the horrible situation at hand. It just seems odd and unprofessional. Rachel Rodewald

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