Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Female Candidate Navigates Hurdle-Filled Campaign Trial in India

This article follows the perspective of Shefali Misra as she is looking to gain a seat for the 543 parliamentary seats.  And the compelling spin on this perspective is she is a woman trying to enter Indian politics, whereas votes commonly imbue corruption, bribery, manipulation, and threats.  To help these roadblocks, Misra aims to better the opportunities for women; a feat entering its long journey. 

The largest issue in India reform is the thousands of cultural differences that exist.  While diversity is good, the vast amount of diversity in India will benefit some while impeding on others.  The greatest challenge is finding a universal reform that is all beneficial, but that reality seems only a dream. 

This is an interesting political race in India because their is such a great diversity where segmentation tactics, luck, and blessings, as Misra sought from a religious leader, are factors that play into the success of a single campaign.  It seems that money is mentioned little in news covering this campaign, but in the end it will be a great movement for women not only because a woman has been given entry into Indian politics, but because her intentions involve granting new opportunities for Indian women.  Misra also aims to focus on the betterment for India's quality of life and not so much on new short term loan options or free equipment distribution; the qualities many male politicians take priority on. 

Scott Bishop

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