Thursday, April 10, 2014

UN Criticized for Ignoring South Sudan Humanitarian Crisis

South Sudan is currently undergoing a major humanitarian crisis and political unrest, leaving tens of thousands of civilians displaced due to peacekeeping soldiers stationed in the capital city, Juba. The UN has constructed a makeshift shelter for the displaced refugees. However, the camp was not designed to shelter the number of people it currently shelters, and things are going downhill. Multiple latrines have collapsed, exploding the risk of waterborne illness and disease is running rampant. The refugees are forced to stay in wet, "natural drainage channels because there is no other space. Many are at risk of starvation, and this issue will not get better with the rainy season on its way.

Doctors Without Borders, the charity that cooperates with the UN frequently, and is currently providing aid to the thousands displaced by the crisis, has criticized the UN, saying that it has been ignoring the squalid conditions the people have been living in. In addition, it is reported that the UN has denied requests to expand the refugee camp into the dry parts of the UN compound, which would benefit all immensely. The UN should take action and not just stand by and watch as thousands die because of disease and starvation that could have been prevented.

Alexandria Corriveau

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