Sunday, April 6, 2014

In Hunt for Malaysian Jet, Signals Prompt Searchers to Narrow Their Focus

What seems like a never ending mystery, multinational crews are still in search for the Malaysian Airlines Flight 370. Despite previous leads on where the plane had crashed, it still hasn't been uncovered. Friday, a Chinese vessel received signals in the Indian Ocean of sounds equivalent to that of the mysterious "black box". The black box although, has a battery life of around one week. This means that we shouldn't have our hopes super high on this discovery. After a week, the box no longer sends off signals to beacons. The new signals come a thousand miles north of Australia, a little past the search area that had previously been set. We are still hanging on waiting to see if the plane ever emerges, but as each day passes by the chances diminish.
Jordan Messick
PSC 102

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