Sunday, October 16, 2022

Winter’s Approach Raises Stakes in European Energy Crisis

October 16, 2022

The Energy crisis in Europe is nearing an important point: winter. Still, Europe is as prepared as it can be for a winter with less energy. Storage facilities or gas for heating and power are almost full and consumption is down even after Moscow slashed gas deliveries in retaliation for western sanctions to Russia for their actions in Ukraine. 

Even so, the article states there is 'no room for error'. Large companies producing glass and paper, in an effort to not use using gas and other needed power, have shifted to coal and oil which is detrimental to the environment. Different companies and industries have also shifted their production to avoid using any power when demand is at its peak. 

If freezing weather jacks up demands, stockpiles of energy may run dry because Europe's current plan to deal with its energy situation is to keep consumption of energy low. Even though storage is full and European countries are managing the situation well given the circumstances, president Emmanuel Macron said the real test will be next winter which may be "even more difficult". 

Alternative sources of energy will have to be  built upon if Europe does not want to be dependent in any way on Russian gas. Prices will rise in the short run because of the increased costs in shifting production however these investments will be good in the long term for the stability of Europe.

Gabriel Ham

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