Sunday, October 28, 2012

Britain Ready For A "Brixit"?

The United Kingdom has been part of the European Union since 1973, but recently there has been chatter within the British government that hints that there is discontent over Britain's place in the European Union. Britain tends to pay more into European Union than it receives back from other countries within the EU. British prime minister, David Cameron, has tried to defuse any talk about leaving the EU or in other words a "Brixit". He insists that he will be able to refocus Britain's goals and efforts in order to increase support for staying in the EU. Even though the prime minister says this, he has hinted a lot recently that he may hold a referendum regarding the relations between Britain and the EU. Nothing is set in stone but a British populace, agitated over the struggling EU economy, is pushing towards a retreat out of the EU. 

Here's the link to the article:

Aaron Langer

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