Sunday, October 28, 2012

Testing Tunisia's commitment to democracy

Tunisia had an election on October 23rd in order to vote for new representatives for a constituent assembly.  Their job is to re-write the constitution.  The moderate Islamist party al-Nahda are favorites to win the election.  The success of a democracy in Tunisia depends not only on who wins but more on the direction taken by the constituent assembly once it is created.  Now that Ben Ali's (the former president) regime has been kicked out of power, Tunisia is discovering new divisions within their society.  Divisions such as conservative religious identities that have resurfaced.  Or the interior regions of Tunisia that have been neglected for a long time now want a stronger voice in politics.  Many citizens and both parties are still uniting for this election because everyone knows how important this election is for their country to succeed.  Their is some fear that former Ben Ali regime members will try and scare people away from the voting booths and try to push themselves back to the former corrupt power.  Although these are small paranoid rumors, anything can happen.  Only time will tell if the election is a success.

By Zayde Contreras  

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