Sunday, October 14, 2012

"Iran Denies role in Gulf cyberattacks"

This article is about Iran denying their role against the accusations that they "rendered 30,000 computers," against oil and gas companies in the Persian Gulf. The virus that wiped out data on the 30,000 computers, did so, by overwriting the files. I quote "probably the most destructive cyberattacks the private sector has seen to date." This is truly bothersome to me because not only does Iran condemn the actions of our U.S. government but they also, allegedly, tried to cripple our private enterprises which fuel our nation's success and in the end result, political action. It appears to me as if the Iranian government was truly responsible for such actions they are trying to start a war, an to me that is frieghtening considering what they may be capable of (nuclear weapons). Iran states they are willing to help improve cyber security and that they too have been victims of cyberattacks. The issue with cyberattacks is that they can be done from anywhere across the globe that is connected to the international infrastructure of the internet. Thus making the blame game very hard without hard proof that someone is responsible. I see this as a foreshadowing of what is to come in future conflicts. Cyberattacks and cyberterrorism is due for its debut, and I am more then sure it will play a bigger and bigger role in our global society. Much of our nations infrastructure is fueled by the internet and technology. This news is pretty disturbing for it effected companies who make millions and millions of dollars which fuel our economy and make lead to future similar attacks on our capitalist/private economy.

-Bryan Trepanier

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