Saturday, April 5, 2014

Democracy Reigns in Afghanistan

On a positive note, elections in Afghanistan are underway and reportable seeing a high turnout of Afghans, despite the violent threats that have been coming from Taliban leaders. Reports earlier this week have stated that the Taliban have threatened to attack polling booths and electoral representatives in an attempt to cease voters from voting. There have already been several attacks, including bombings, shootings and rocket attacks across the eastern province of Kunar, with many wounded and several killed. Despite the chaos that is erupting in isolated area, the overall display of bravery and surge of voter integrity is inspiring. It is in reading and reflecting on instances like this that we take into account the privileges we take for granted. We have the freedom of voting into office the future leaders of our country without the ominous presences of fundamentalist threatening that right. In a country perpetually under threats from the Taliban, millions have taken it upon themselves to be the voice of their government for the better; in spite of the worst. 

 -Alexandra Dominguez 

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