Friday, May 16, 2014

Narendra Modi wins India election

Narendra Modi recently won the election in India to become it's next Prime Minister. Modi is the leader of the Hindu Nationalist party, who dethroned the National Congress Party which was dominant in the area for over 60 years. Despite the revolutionary turn, his victory comes amidst numerous questions. His relationship with the U.S. has been historically rocky, and he was denied a visa at one point. Furthermore he was the chief minister of Guajarat in 2002 when 1,000 Muslim people were killed and he was criticized by many for not doing enough to stop the violence. A source from the U.S. State Department recently said that once Modi takes office he could be granted a visa. Nonetheless, the less than satisfactory past of Modi and the U.S. could cause future tensions if he once again comes into question for anti-Muslim support.

Alec Phillipp

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