Sunday, May 25, 2014

The Real News About the South China Sea, Philippines, Vietnam and the Spratly Islands

In a May 23, 2014 online article on, titled "China Warns Japan, Philippines Accuses China in Maritime Spat," authors Sui-Lee Wee and Manuel Mogato describe the quickly evaporating relationship between Japan, the Philippines, Vietnam, Brunei, and the United States and China.
Many people see China as an aggressor in the South and East China Seas, as they have repeatedly bullied their way throughout the disputed Spratly Island chain using their superior naval strength. Unfortunately, China has been delaying talks to resolve the dispute, hurting their reputation around the world. The Philippines has possibly been the most outspoken about China's aggression in the region, as they might feel the most threatened because their territories hold some of the most abundant natural resources in the region - both oil and natural gas. China wants everything and will stop at nothing it seems until they get their grimy hands all over it.

The Philippines released a statement this week accusing China of delaying talks that the Philippines have desired for almost a decade. China insists that the Philippines, the United States, and Japan are antagonistic, while Beijing is the only party causing real damage. Fortunately for the world, technology allows the truth to surface; complete with full video and high definition pictures, the world sees China for what they really are - greedy, ambitious communists.

Small nations like the Philippines have to try to go head to head with China, and they might have to do it alone. It seems China will stop at nothing, as they continue to flaunt their navy in the face of peaceful demonstrations by citizens of Vietnam, the Philippines, and Japan, among others. There is hope for these small, defenseless nations, however.

The United States has pledged full support, both militarily and legally for the Philippines and Japan. Vietnam is also looking for support from others, as protests continue to plague the tiny nation's capital. A 67 year old Vietnamese woman denouncing China died earlier this week after self-immolation in Ho Chi Minh City, carrying signs calling for Vietnamese action.

It won't take much more for the "UNited States" to get involved, but if they do, it could spell economic chaos throughout the world, as both the American and Chinese economies are closely dependent upon one another.

More to come on this topic, I'm sure.

Christopher M. Vacek

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