Sunday, October 22, 2017

Robert Mugabe rescinded from post as "Goodwill Ambassador"

The Washington Post is reporting that the World Health Organization (WHO) has gotten rid of Robert Mugabe as a “goodwill ambassador” to the organization after only recently appointing him.  Goodwill ambassadors are supposed to provide an example and be a role model for humanity and to demonstrate the organizations goals.  However, Mugabe, as president of Zimbabwe, as been a brutal dictator and has all but destroyed the health care system in the country in addition to other problems in the country.  Mugabe doesn’t even use Zimbabwe’s health care as he travels to other countries for operations and checkups because of how bad the system is. Because of this he as been removed from his post, which has been the source of a great deal of controversy ever since the appointment and as such many are celebrating the rescinding of this appointment. 

Summary by Alec Beutel

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