Sunday, February 26, 2023

Mexican Asylum On Brink of Collapse with Overwhelming Number of Refugees

 An unprecedented number--over 13,000 people requested to seek asylum from Mexico's refugee agency COMAR in January 2023. Experts believe the agency is being stretched beyond its budget means and the system is being misused. Many people seeking refuge in Mexico come from Haiti and corrupt South American countries. They see Mexico's agency as an ideal pit stop to head toward the United States, so the agency is seeing more traffic than it should since refugees can't directly request the U.S. for refuge--there's currently a capacity limit. Recently, Biden restricted its own refugee system's capacity, which is increasing the number of people seeking assistance from Mexico. Mexico's agency COMAR is being prompted to restrategize to prevent the agency's collapse like setting restrictions on how asylum seekers use the system and its documents to prevent them from prematurely receiving documents that would allow them to travel to the northern Mexico border. COMAR is essentially restricting the travel of asylum seekers so that it deters people who don't want to make Mexico their new home. 


Juan Castro

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