Saturday, April 27, 2013

Maliki: gunning down Iraqi soldiers is attacking the state

In the Sunni stronghold province of Anbar five Iraqi solders were killed which led the Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki to announce that attacking an Iraqi solder is is attacking the state. According to the article, last Saturday, unknown gunmen "killed five army intelligence soldiers in two attacks west of Baghdad while others shot dead five anti-Qaeda militiamen north of the Iraqi capital, police and doctors said." The killing happened while a group of he Iraqi solders were passing by an anti-government protest. The Iraqi solders wounded the gunmen, but the gunmen killed four of the solders and leaving one wounded solder. 
This is not the first crime of its kind in Iraq. According to the article, the killing of the solders happened in a dominate Sunni region while the government is known for being and advocating Shiite branch of Muslims. Iraqi people should stop killing each other despite their diverse believes. According to the article, "The country was torn by Sunni-Shiite fighting in 2007-2008 in which thousands of people were killed each month."

Abdul Aljalidi
Link of the article is provided below:

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