Sunday, April 28, 2013

Soccer, Instructional Terror, and the Boston Bombing

The latest on the Boston bombings reminded me on some parallels that we have seen in some of our readings, specifically the excerpts from the Soccer Rules the World book and the Christian soldiers chapter of Terror in the Mind of God. In the news article the Mosque described is nearby as soccer stadium, where graffiti marked "Victory or Paradise." Also, it is believed that the suspects learned how to make their bombs from a magazine published by Al-Qaeda, similarly to the Christian magazines in which strategies for bombing abortion clinics are laid out. The similarities in both aspects were relevant to the readings, so I thought it interesting to post about it. The purpose of the article was to report how or when the suspects received their training, if training occurred. Right now there is only speculation, but the mosque is known as a recruiting site for extremists, so there are some leads.

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