Friday, April 5, 2013

CB1_North Korea's missle launcher on the move, indicating possible new provocation

 “North Korea’s missile launchers on the move, indicating possible new provocation”
This article reflects on the moving of mid-range missile launchers by North Korea on the east coast of the peninsula that worries South Korea due to the location’s range. North Korea made aware to the United States that their military can attack using “smaller, lighter and diversified nuclear” weapons.  With the U.S and South Korean military exercises, North Korea’s actions may just be a way to illustrate their opposition.  The situation is unclear as to if North Korea has the capability to fire nuclear missiles against the United States according to U.S Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, but there could be other risks that need to be accounted for. The U.S is trying to defuse the situation in order to prevent any possible attacks or actions against one another.

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