Sunday, February 9, 2014

Americans Can't Understand Satire

This isn't exactly Foreign Policy news per se, but it does involve the worldwide seagull-feeding that is the Olympics and certainly speaks a little of the face we're putting out to the world.
So a satire newspaper published a story declaring that the man responsible for the failure of the fifth snowflake in the middle of Russia: The Musical (otherwise known as the longest opening ceremony in Olympic history) to blossom into a ring with its fellow ringlets. I heard about the article because someone in my Facebook feed apparently believed it to be true and shared it, with a comment on corruption in Russia. Way to be informed. I found no evidence that the article was carried in any serious online publications, unlike the Onion's infamous Kim Jung Un story of last year. I suppose giving the man a name and using quotations made it seem more legitimate to scanners.

Given how vehement the comments were on this article (even for internet commenters, the kind of people who will willingly slap hungry kittens), online news venues have seen fit to publish a plethora of articles reminding the public to read between the very broad lines and recognize that the article was satirical. I'm sure Russia isn't happy with our representation of them, as believable as the event might have been to some- and they're probably congratulating themselves that their jokes and satire of the Soviet ideologies aren't being taken at mass face value.

Original article:
Later article:

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