Sunday, February 9, 2014

China accuses US of adding to regional tensions

There have been many controversies about the territories in South China Sea.  According to them, China has never acknowledged publicly that they want to include those territories within their borders but they have been constantly showing power to other potential owners of that territory such as the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan. The source of dispute is the oil that happened to be within those waters and all those countries are in border with that sea.

As we have seen in a previous article that we have discussed in class, both the United States and China have been competing and showing each other that they cannot fully own or "govern" that part of the sea. Controversies have become more dramatic after US diplomats and Chinese officials have exchanged declarations. The United States have been concerned by Chinese claims while China officials states that US diplomats are those who are causing the raise of tensions between different countries in Asia.

For more information, click here.

Fatlum Gashi

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