Sunday, February 2, 2014

US says Russia may have violated nuclear arms control treaty

The United States has reacted after some suspicions that Russia might have launched a new cruise missile. According to the State department spokeswoman Jen Psaki, the investigations are still going on in whether Russia has violated the Treaty for Nuclear Arms Control. The investigations are being done based on some clear evidence that the United States says they have. 

The supposed missile launch dates back in 2008 and Psaki have stated that the US have not come up yet with any official declaration or decision about that issue. The treaty was signed in 1987 as part of many other agreements to bring the Cold War to the end.

These investigations might also play role in internal politics, especially since the President Obama is trying to push Congress for further reduction of US "stockpile of arms". 

Recently, the US has also raised questions to whether Russia has also launched their first ultra-sonic missile or not.  
Seems like the need for control over the other countries from the American side is never ending. 
To read the original article please click here. 

Fatlum Gashi


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