Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Ukrainian Protesters See Too Many Familiar Faces in Parliament After Revolution

It's not only civilian protesters who are standing outside of Kiev still in protest. An economist has joined the request for a vote on a new Parliament immediately. Even thought Mr. Yanukovych's has left the Parliament and it seems like there is a win for the protesters, an ally of his is carrying out his duties until a new president is chosen in May. This doesn't seem like any kind of win for the protesters in the Revolution. Just a replacement of a leader is placed in place of the president which just leaves the protesters seeing same actions, just different face. They are left with hands almost tied until May when change is suppose to come. Quote the article, the new leader, who is an ally of Mr. Yanukovych, Ms. Tymoshenko is viewed at President Putin just in a skirt. There is no change for the Parliament, and there is no such win for the protesters if the replacement is referred to as Putin with a skirt on. Pretty much an individual was placed in Parliament who will be controlled by strings like a puppet by President Putin. Nobody in Kiev is challenging the Revolution. There is such an uncertainty of what will happen inside Parliament that challenging coming of the revolution in Kiev can put more fuel on the low fire currently. Eastern Ukraine, which is highly associated with Russia has its disagreements but aren't making anything public. Volodymyr Lytvyn, former speaker of the Parliament is trying to answer all the concerns that the crowd would have. All she is able to present to the public is that to be patient and that the Parliament is working towards a change and something new. There are many individuals who are making their way to Ukraine to stand for what they hope an era that will be history making, breaking the corruption. The issue is that what division this can bring within in Ukraine among the East and West?

Simona Gudynaite


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