Sunday, April 26, 2015

Nepal Earthquake poses challenges for international aid agencies

This article was very informative. The main idea of it was to update the readers on the Nepal earthquake. About 2,400 people have been found dead thus far, and thousands more are critically injured. Many countries, including the United States are sending aid to the people who were impacted by the earthquake. The big problem these countries face is getting to the people, especially in rural areas. Many roads, which were already in poor condition, were worsened by the earthquake. The earthquake left many without power, water, and even a home. Many people’s homes were destroyed during the earthquake and the aftershocks. The aid crews will have to work vigorously to bring water and other supplies to people who were affected. The main focus now isn't helping people survive immediately. It is how Nepal will rebuild its infrastructure and make everything safer for the future. This is all very important because monsoon season starts in June, and it is very hard to complete construction work during that season. 

By Josh Hubbs

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