Sunday, April 30, 2017

Mystery Illness Kills 11 in Liberia One Year After End of Ebola Outbreak

This article published by nbcnews talks about the recent death of eleven and the hospitalization of five people of a mystery disease. March marks one year of Liberia being declared free of the active Ebola virus, which took more than 11,3000 lives. According to Liberia’s Chief Medical Officer, Kateh the recent deaths are not due to infection with the ebola virus, although the symptoms of fever, vomiting, and diarrhoea might suggest that, but samples taken from the deceased bodies tested negative for the virus. According to a preliminary  investigation by the World Health Organization (WHO), every victim seems to have attended a funeral of a religious leader before falling ill. Precautions have been taken to limit contact with hospital staff and contacts of the sick are being traced to the community to see if there had been any further infections. But until further testing, the illness will remain a deadlly mystery.

-Helen Majer

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