Sunday, October 4, 2015

Assad says no peace settlement until war against terrorists is won

Syrian president Bashar  Al-assad said that there could not be a reform until terrorism has been stopped completely, but which terrorist group is he talking about??? In class we spoke about Syria and how they are divided into three different regions Theres the Assad regime, The rebels and the islamic state. Out of those three the one group that stands out as a terrorist group is the islamic state. When I hear the word rebel or rebels the first things that comes to mind is robin hood,he stole from the rich to give to the poor,he helped the people. Isn't that what all rebels do? if yes why is Russia bombing them and not the one group that is causing terrorism. Syria opposition does not approve of the five day old Russia campaign and has refused to participate in an peace initiatives that are offered. They believe that Russia should be targeting the islamic state and not the rebels,which I agree completely. What do the people want? the Assad regime to take over or the rebels?

Noelia Reyes

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