Saturday, October 17, 2015

Putin, Champion of the Shias

Iraq has wanted help with their battle against the jihadists of the Islamic State and were hoping to get help from the United States and their coalition of nations, but that didn`t happen.  They had to resort to talking to Russia and gaining help from them.  The Iraqi security forces are happy that Russia is helping them because they now have a chance to beat IS.

The article also talks about how last month, Iraq had signed an intilligence-sharing agreement with Russia and how it infuriated the Americans.  Another point that is talked about is how Iraq is willing to let Russia do what is necessary, including about how they want to give Russia an airbase, so that they, Iraq, can have a full blown military alliance.

Not many of Iraq`s citizens are okay with the Russians coming in and taking over their nation.  Those loyal to Muqtada al-Sadr, a powerful Shia cleric stated that "They have stated that they will fight against Russia like they have done to the United States."

Ashley Karling

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