Wednesday, October 14, 2015

The Morality of the United States Justice System will be tested to the fullest!

With the help of the American Civil Liberties Union, three plaintiffs will be suing James Mitchell and John "Bruce" Jesse, the two designers for the CIA's Interrogation program, saying that said program subjected them to torture.

More information about this program can be found in the link provided. There are things, however, that are worth sharing before you even click. As it turns out African warlords may have been given money in exchange for "terror suspects." Definitely nothing wrong with asking people who want money to give you unconfirmed criminals in exchange for money. Or the fact that it took this program five years to determine that one detainee had no relevance to the United States or its interests overseas. Naturally he was released, but that doesn't give back the time wasted, or remove the experience of having odd objects like jugs or food shoved into his ass.

An interesting note about the men who designed this program, they were originally involved in creating the program given to our troops to help defend against an enemies torture tactics. Because everyone knows terrorists regularly blast heavy metal music to detainees in dark rooms for hours on end. Its on the second page of the handbook, right after that page about indefinite detention.

Stuart Young

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