Sunday, October 25, 2015

Conservatives Win in Poland

Today in Poland the Law and Justice conservative party led by Jaroslaw Kaczynski won 39% of the vote which is expected to give them sole governance in their parliamentary style democracy system. Ousting Ewa Kopacz of the centrist Civic Platform party, Beata Szydio, the daughter of a miner, now has the title of Prime Minister.With ties to the Catholic Church, the party is in favor of a ban on abortion and in-vitro fertilization as well as tax breaks. It is also unhappy about the agreement to allow 7,000 immigrants to enter Poland, but is a strong supporter of NATO due to keep Russia in check. The Civic Platform party will be the primary opposer though three other parties are expected to win seats including the Polish Peasants Party, a right wing party of Pawel Kukiz, the Polish rock figure, and the “Pro-busines party” called Modern Poland.

There is definitely a resemblance between Poland’s Law and Justice party's platform and 2016 Presidential candidate Donald Trump’s in terms of immigration, abortion and tax cuts.Given the almost complete overhaul of power in Poland, one can’t help but wonder if the results of the election are foreshadowing what will happen at the polls next year in the U.S. No matter what side of the aisle one is on, it is clear that the American people are tired of candidates who flip flop their views in order to be elected.         

Amanda Zgonina

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