Sunday, April 2, 2017

Mosul civilian casualty disaster is sign of an even bigger problem

This article talks about the US and it’s latest attack on the city of Mosul in Iraq and how this could be a sign of greater problems that US and it’s allies will face when having to fight ISIS. The article starts off by talking about the most recent US attack against ISIS. In this attack 140 civilians were killed with General Joseph Votel claiming he will investigate this attack. The article then goes on to talk about the how recent airstrikes in the fight against ISIS have also had civilian casualties. The article then goes on to talk about how these attacks have been part of a failed strategy that has spanned three presidencies and the unjust and unlawful actions committed by both the Bush and Obama administration in light of Trump’s rhetoric and proposed policies. Overall this article talks about the recent US attack against ISIS and how it is a sign of the US’s failed strategy when dealing with ISIS and how it may be best to change strategy and needing to respect and follows laws abroad and at home.

Dan Worden

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