Sunday, May 28, 2017

War of Words as Chinese jets intercept US surveillance plane

War of Words as Chinese jets intercept US surveillance plane

Recently this last week, the tensions in the South China Sea between the United States and China have increased. The U.S. accused Chinese fighter jets for intercepting a United States surveillance plane of flying in the South China Sea. China has rejected this interaction and included a U.S. warship for trespassing near a reef that the China has claimed in the Sea. The U.S. defends their actions, whereas the Chinese say that these actions “infringe on their sovereignty and security”.  Tensions continue between the two nations because the U.S. has satellite images showing anti-aircraft guns on an artificial island. And with the increasing conflict with North Korea, the United States and Chinese relations are stressed. Coming up this week there will be a major security summit in Singapore with the regional Asian countries, so it will be interesting how issues like the South China Sea and North Korea will be addressed and the Chinese response to them.

Emily Adams

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