Monday, October 17, 2011

In Crowded Cairo Quarter, Islamists Try to Seize Mantle of Revolution

While the streets of Cairo are flooded with trash, the Muslim Brotherhood has opened two offices up, as an Islamist has vowed to win a spot in Parliament. Although the election in Egypt is still nearly 2 months away, an Egyptian revolution has began causing the contest to already begin. This is taking place in Imbaba, which is considered a distilled version of Cairo. However, it says a lot about where Egypt may be heading as they enter this election which deals with an unfinished revolution. People are now wondering if it's time to give these Islamic activists a chance, because they seem to be the only ones who are organized and are the only ones who have been delivering to those in need. It is not new that activists are taking lead in offering charity, however now it is linked with the upcoming election. Islamic activists are looking to replace the fallen President with one of their own.
Alison Ortscheid

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