Sunday, October 30, 2011

Looted Libyan Missiles End up in Hamas Anti-Aircraft Arsenal

An Israeli newspaper recently reported that high tech Russian missiles have been sold to Hamas and other Palestinian organizations and are now located in the Gaza strip. Smugglers took advantage of the riots in Libya, broke into stockpiles of weapons, and then sold those weapons on the black market to terrorist groups, such as Hamas and an extreme Islamist organization in Somalia. Before the fall of Gadhafi, Hamas did not have such advanced weaponry. Now, they are in possession of higher quality missiles in larger quantities. This is very concerning because the missiles are actually anti-aircraft missiles with lazer targeting technology. Israelis are concerned that these will be used against civilian aircrafts. In conjunction with the commitment to Sharia law in post-Gadhafi Libya, this is yet another unintended consequence of NATO's intervention on behalf of the rebels.

By Rachel Foy

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