Friday, November 12, 2021

F.W. de Klerk, Last President of Apartheid South Africa, Dies at 85

by Alexia Patino

Mr. de Klerk was an advocate for the separation of races, until he took place on office and started reconsidering the South Africa's racist ways, sharing Nobel Peace Prize with Nelson Mandela. De Klerk was also the subject that released Nelson Mandela from prison. A lot of South Africans expressed their anger about how their government is just a line of WHITE leaders making people of color feel oppressed. 

Things in South Africa were awful for dark skinned people. For example, meal sizes in prison were based on the skin color. When he release Nelson Mandela, the transformation started happening. Everything started to become multiracial instead of being white dominated. 

Despite everything, Nelson Mandela had said that it was a necessity and that in order to make peace with the enemy, one must work with the enemy, and the enemy must become one's partner.

De Klerk and Mandela were the reason why many African people have a voice today, and their living situation is not based on the color of their skin. 

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