Sunday, November 7, 2021

Koalas are dying from chlamydia, and climate change is making it worse by Ben Westcott


Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted bacteria that infects around 100 million people worldwide. This disease is affecting now the koala population. Koalas with chlamydia tend to suffer blindness and cysts that lead to infertility and death. Chlamydia spreads very quickly among the Koala population. About 85% of the Koala population is infected with this disease. Chlamydia just became another cause that the Koalas must face in order to not become extinct, on top of wildfires and habitat loss due to deforestation. Nowadays, scientist are attempting to create vaccines against this disease for animas in order to protect the wild species. The exact size of Koala population is unknown, which makes it harder for experts to determine if the Koalas are endanger species or not. 

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