Sunday, November 7, 2021

Iraqi Prime Minister Survives Assassination Attempt - Patrick Turner

Iraqi Prime Minister survives exploding drone assassination attempt

Link to Article  

by Hamdi Alkhshali

Interpretation by Patrick Turner 

    When reading about this article it was very surprising to see the use of drones to attack the prime minister. Nobody has taken any claims of action towards the attack that happened. Some people were saying that the drones were coming out of Bangladesh. After the drone strike had happened multiple countries were quick to claim that they had no idea what had happened and that who saw this happen said that it was an act of terrorism against the head of state. This idea of attacking a prime minister was interesting to me because of the fact that a rouge part of the state would even attack that person who is in charge of the state.  Recently in Iraqi, there was a big election that just happened in which a group of individuals that were in charge was no longer holding seats in the countries political system. The group had recently started to protest the actions that happened towards the group since they had left power. They had recently right after the incident had multiple protests throughout the country. This group might be still mad about what had happened with them losing the power to control the state.  

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