Sunday, November 7, 2021

The Blurry Hope of Lowering Global Coal Emissions

    During the U.N. climate summit held in Glasgow, Scotland, plans and promises regarding the use of coal were made by those in attendance. Some states have promised to completely quit coal usage in the future, while others have pledged to not fund the development of new coal plants. The U.S. is one of those states who do not currently plan for the elimination of coal as a source of energy for the country, but rather prefer to focus on funding clean energy projects abroad over the fossil fuel ones. This discussion of removing coal emissions from different nations in the near future emphasizes the importance of reacting against global warming as climate change worsens and affects millions, ensuring that most world leaders do plan on taking initiative to help aid this crisis. The question is, will the promises each nation made at the summit be fulfilled, and will they truly be enough to make a significant impact?

Written by: Maxine O.


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