Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Iran's morality police have terrorized women for decades. Who are they?

 A 22 year old woman named Mahsa Amini was taken to a "re-education center" in Tehran and died three days later, bringing significant attention to compulsory modesty in Iran. Iran has a force of morality police that enforce the country's rules on modesty and often specifically the hijab, with the ability to send people to these "re-education centers" where they are given classes on Islam and forced to sign a pledge to follow the clothing regulations. Various movements have emerged in the country to push back against the compulsory hijab. While support has been falling for forced modesty over the past decade, the recent death of Mahsa Amini seems to have further united many Iranian people against the policy. Many people have begun to protest, though there is fear of retaliation from the state.

Aaliyah McCormick

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