Tuesday, September 13, 2022

The world is heading towards disaster due to climate change

 Over the years greenhouse gas emissions have skyrocketed heavily. Climate has severely diminished and is approaching its way towards catastrophe. According to a report published by United Science. We are provoking the “tipping points” of climate change. Recent floodings in Pakistan have proved so to be true. The heatwave across Europe including the UK this summer was drastic. Similarly, extreme temperatures have also caused near-famine conditions in parts of Africa.

When we ask ourselves the critical question “what brings about climate change?”. We all know what the simple answer is. It is humanity’s obsession with fossil fuels and industrialization. Temperatures will likely rise to 1.5 degrees celsius within the next five years. The temperature rise is certain to bring about dreadful disasters for different countries. Furthermore, disasters caused by climate change have caused an economic loss of $200m per day all around the world. Therefore it is about time we ask ourselves what measures are we taking as individuals and as states to stop climate change.


-Aryan Shah

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