Sunday, September 25, 2022

U.S. Warns Russia of ‘Catastrophic Consequences’ if It Uses Nuclear Weapons

 In the article ," US Warns Russia of 'Catastrophic Consequences" if it Uses Nuclear Weapons" written 09/25/22 the writers talk about how the united states has threatened Russia with," Catastrophic Consequences" if Russia were to use nuclear weapons in or on Ukraine. The article further went on to say how President Biden said that the catastrophic consequences would not be nuclear warfare in the hopes of trying to show a firm hand or " Big Stick" without continuing to escalate the situation. Instead the U.S. is planning on diminishing trade with Russia and setting an Embargo on trade.

This was an interesting read because it showed how foreign affairs is an extremely complicated game of chess. You cannot threaten the wrong thing or you risk the fear of escalating to possible nuclear warfare. What else was interesting was reading about how the Global 7 could correlate and work together in order to do some damage to Russia and Putin without going to war, a trade war.

Zachary Erickson

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